DTC Parking Lot on Orange Street
Although limited, the parking directly surrounding the theater is still available for patrons in the evenings and on weekends. We do ask that these spots be left available for those patrons with mobility challenges.
Please DO NOT block the Fire Lane.
101 Avenue of the Arts Parking Lot
Located directly next door with its entrance on Tatnall Street. For security, 101 Avenue of the Arts has a fence around the parking lot. The opening to this fence is located on Tatnall, providing a 2 minute walk around the lot to get to our doors. Look for the "Delaware Theatre Company Parking" sandwich-board style signs along Water Street.
Do not park in any space marked "Reserved." They are for apartment residents.
South Tatnall Street
Street parking is available along South Tatnall Street located one block away from our theatre. Please make sure you are not in a space marked "permit parking."
The Riverfront Commuter Lot
The Riverfront commuter lot located on Justison Street across from Iron Hill Brewery and Big Fish is a free parking option after 10am.
Amtrak Train Station Garage
For a fee, the Amtrak Train Station Garage located at 117 E Martin Luther King Blvd. Wilmington, DE 19801 is available. The entrance is located on MLK Boulevard between King Street and French Street. More information, as well as current parking rates can be found on the Wilmington Parking Authority website.
101 S West St Parking Garage
For a fee, the parking garage located at the intersection of Water Street and West Street is available. The lot closes at 7pm.